unrealized scripts

Thursday, June 02, 2005

the unwanted : second post addendum

The actual unwanted will be a weird, cloud-like mass of spectral baby ghosts. Did you see the Hulk movie? remember when Nick Nolte inexplicably turned into a giant red jellyfish-looking brain-thing at the end? it'll look kind of like that, but will be composed of distinct baby / fetal-looking apparitions. basically it'll be a giant fetus-looking thing composed of dozens of smaller fetus ghosts. they come for the mothers, speak to them in a creepy baby voice, and then engulf and suffocate them. maybe we can get somebody famous to do the unwanted's voice(s).


  • At 12:03 AM, Blogger scarnsworth said…

    or we could get laurel to repeat her vocal performance from "the halloween episode"...


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